What we do

Frutas Torre Molins packs fruits directly from our farmers' fields to distribute it at the sale's points.

We have refrigerated chambers where we pre-cooled the freshly plucked fruit. Then, we send it to the calibrator machines to pack the different packagings ordered by customers. There are different possibilities of presentations:

  • Bulk boxes
  • Alveolated boxes according to calibre
  • Baskets of small calibres...
This process is made in the shortest time, getting that fruit arrives to sale's points whit its natural flavour. The key is the use of the latest technologies, because it reduces the manipulation time and gives a greater control of quality in the final product.

Our products


Ctra. Fraga - Albalate Km. 15,570

22530 - Zaidín - Huesca - España

Teléfono: +34 974 47 86 33

Fax: +34 974 47 86 34



Con la tecnología